The Most Essential 20 Tips for Cuck Wannabes

The Most Essential 20 Tips for Cuck Wannabes includes some captions with advice on how to move your Cuckold kinks into reality.

Remember even if you don’t become a cuckold one day, you can still enjoy these Soft Cuckolding / Safe Cuckolding tips with your partner without making her cheat on you.

Talk about Desires

Admitting Cuckold Desires
Admitting Cuckold Desires

I can’t stress enough how much communication is the key here. We talked about this so many times but it is not only essential for the beginning but for the whole process. However, you need to find the correct ways of talking about this every step of the way since everyone couple is different.

Talk about your masturbation fantasies
Talk about your masturbation fantasies

One of the best ways to open up is by talking about your masturbation fantasies. But keep in mind the focus here should be on her and not your fantasy. What I mean is that you need to show that she is the star of your fantasy when you are enjoying yourself and not what it turns you on. When she feels that you like that and she is the star, she will want to get more of that for you. She will feel like a star who wants to pursue more. And what’s more enjoyable for a woman than turning on her man?

Let Her Talk

Obviously, by communication, we don’t mean that you dictate what you want. It is essential to open the dialogue and to express herself as well. She needs to feel that it is her idea as much as yours. So don’t ever push.

Playing who is fuckable with wife caption
Playing who is fuckable with wife caption

This is a great game that you can play together when you are outside or in bed. After an initial conversation with her, you have the excuse that you are just taking material for yourself for your next masturbation. So it will look innocent in her eyes. Remember to back off if she sees too much either of these steps and games.

past boyfriends hotwife caption
past boyfriends hotwife caption

This is a great way to make open herself. Let her talk about her past experiences, boyfriends or anything she wished to do before your relationship.

Hotwife amazed about cuckold reaction caption
Hotwife amazed about cuckold reaction caption

She needs to see that you ACTUALLY turned on by her stories either real or fake. She needs to trust that you won’t get unnecessary jealousy and even if you do, it is good jealousy.

Let your hotwife think freely
Let your hotwife think freely

Show Her The Norm

Show her cuckold porn
Show her cuckold porn

Let her see the various amount of porn in kink available on the website and other porn tubes. She needs to see that this is the norm and read more about it if she hears about it for the first time.

Tell her what other guys think about her
Tell her what other guys think about her

If someone complimented her let her know. If you think she is open about it you can ask to some friends or strangers what they think about her.

Tell her about your previous cuck experiences
Tell her about your previous cuck experiences

If you had previous cuckold experiences let her know that you are ok with it.

Cuckold Roleplay and Toys

Cuck Roleplay of reclaiming
Cuck Roleplay of reclaiming

Roleplay always works magic.

Check for more: How to do Safe Cuckolding – Role-Playing

Cuckold Roleplay sex with Dildo
Cuckold Roleplay sex with Dildo
safe cuckolding - fantasy threesome caption
safe cuckolding – fantasy threesome caption

Let Her Experience being a Hotwife without Cheating

safe cuckolding - flashing
safe cuckolding – flashing

Check for more: How to Cuckold – Shorter & More Revealing (see-through) Clothes

Hotwife wannabe dancing in the club
Hotwife wannabe dancing in the club
Get Her Massage with Big Black Guy
Get Her Massage with Big Black Guy

Enough of Toys, More Encouragement

Enough of bigger dildo. Get her real cocks
Enough of a bigger dildo. Get her real cocks

After some time that she got the idea of bigger cocks, she needs to imagine actually taking them.

Get her drunk and encourage her for every little step
Get her drunk and encourage her for every little step

Encourage every little effort that she does. From her clothing to flirting with other men, she needs to know that it turns you on.

Wine helps Hotwife Caption
Wine helps Hotwife Caption

Drinking always helps. Bring enough booze for every step of the way so she will be loose enough.

Let Her Feel Safe and in Control

Share your fantasies with Hotwife
Share your fantasies with Hotwife
Make your hotwife feel safe and in control
Make your hotwife feel safe and in control

This may be the most important tip of all. She needs to feel secure and not forced. Of course, she may back out and you need to be ok with that. Not every woman may go all the way and they may go and wish to stop.

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