Definition – What is Wittoldry or Family Cuckolding?

Definition – What is Wittoldry or Family Cuckolding? Who is a wittold and wittoldress? Examples of Wittoldic Behavior

Definition - What is Wittoldry or Family Cuckolding?
Definition – What is Wittoldry or Family Cuckolding?

Definition – What is Wittoldry or Family Cuckolding?

Wittoldry (Family Cuckolding) refers to the behavior of a wittold (also called a dayuuth, dayouth, dayooth). Wittoldry is similar to cuckoldry except in relation to family; i.e. example someone who is apathetic to the notion of their family members being promiscuous (have sexual relations).

Who is a wittold and wittoldress?

The adjective form of such a stance is wittoldic or wittoldrous. A man who behaves this way is a “wittold”. A woman who behaves this way is called a wittoldress or wittoldatrix. The act in and of itself is called “wittolding”, while its verbified form is “wittoldize” or “wittoldizing”. Someone who is being wittolded is called a wittoldee.

Examples of Wittoldic Behavior

  • Buying your sister’s boyfriend a packet of viagra.
  • Insinuating that your 16-year-old daughter and her boyfriend should “go bareback”.
  • Buying a brand-new car for your daughter’s boyfriend of 1 week.
  • Leaving the house in the evening whilst playing a compilation slow-jam album whilst 12 of your intoxicated male friends are in there with 5 of your female relatives.
  • A man visiting a seedy nightclub with his sister and not paying any attention afterward.
  • A woman leaving her 18-year-old son in the presence of her female friend who is known to have sugar momma tendencies.

The more extreme version of the wittold (or dayooth) might even welcome random strangers to bonk their immediate family members. [1]

This for the man may include watching daughter, sister, or mother have sex. Also, for a woman watching her son, brother or father have sex with someone else.

Source: Incel Wiki: